“The Smoky God – A Voyage to the Inner World” by Willis George Emerson has been researched by Stephen Sindoni, finding that while all record from the story teller’s home town in the book were destroyed, records of the story teller were found in Los Angeles, where he lived in retirement.

There is a story on YouTube of giants eating people who fall into their funnel traps on the island of Malta. An entire group from a school trip were abandoned after they went too deep into a cave legended to contain the giant human eaters… Scary, don’t just go deep into any inner earth entrance; I’d only go for the ones said to house ascended masters.

Admiral Bird’s account of the north pole benevolent ascended master is more in line with where we need to focus our evolution as a global human race.

The image on the left has nothing to do with “Hollow Earth” (Inner Earth), but is another interest, which is of solid state technologies that manipulate energy to move in certain ways, or to use energy to do certain things naturally; I forget the named branch of science for the effects of shapes upon energy… Anyway, Welcome to InnerEarth 🙂

This is a new website, bringing You topics of interest such as the Searl Effect Generator, the movement of energy under a Dome, Tall Narrow Pyramids, Orgone Accumulators, and others to advance abundance for all in global peaceful harmony with each-other, this planet, & the universe 🙂

Thank You for your patience as I build this nice site 🙂

Information does not hurt people; the lack of information is what keeps people ignorant to solve 100% of the situations that we find ourselves in throughout our global society. Veganism is one that will save our ability to sustain food production (see “Feed the Future”); feeding cows as food, is unsustainable as a global society clearing rainforests for farming instead of foraging and learning to work with nature better, which is exciting 🙂 Holistically, it appears that I am must tackle the big issues here too instead of ≈political distractions from the real issues that can be solved 🙂

Militantism is actually cowardice in many cases, the easy way, the low way; self defense is really the only honorable military force, but even that can be overcome by mass meditation becoming the new ≈sport of interest or global Cultural Priority. This opinion to be meditated upon & updated/augmented/elaborated upon 🙂 Monasticism has real value both for those attempting to ascend & transmute the body into light and for the unified field we are all tuned into or part of. I may have to touch on “religion” here too because so many people have been ensnared and pulled into religions of omission and/or lies that it hurts; again, another cause of capitalism destroying absolutely everything; thank God that there is a solution 🙂